Tuesday 27 November 2012

The Turn, The Pledge & The Prestige : Freelancer/Magician

                         Always I was admired by a Hollywood movie "The Prestige" which depicted the act of vandalism behind the bars of rivalry between two magicians in late 19th century London. After engineering, I was getting bored of waiting the joining dates of recruited companies. Only timepass was hangouts and eat outs with pals which always resulted in the drainage of dad's pocket money. So the hunt for more money resulted in taking projects as a freelancer and finishing it from home.

      For a freelancer, there is always 3 steps as a magician does have...First step "The Pledge" where the magician shows you something ordinary...Second is "The Turn" where the magician makes the ordinary object disappear and the third one as well as the last is the important one "The Prestige" - bringing back the disappeared one and success from this part brings cheers to the audience as well as the victory for a magician. I would say I treated my job by drawing the path of freelancer as a parallel line to the magicians path of acts.

                          As i was a fresher in freelancing profession, my magician way of thinking was like this---> First "The Pledge" where the freelancer need to hunt the client and pledge/canvas them in a world of competing similar professionals. I had my first act by finding out a project in a near by school . So next is my second step  "The Turn" where i have to market my knowledge by wearing a mask of an expert software technocrat and gaining the trust which results in project assignment. I was turning into a professional freelancer and So when i had a call with the sir, we had a conversation as if I had done several projects and now I came to know your school needs a database software and am ready to do it. He told the requirements and I want to deal with the payment talks very nicely because I was sure that if i slip on this talk then I'am gonna lost his interest and so the project. "Sir, usually we all talk about payment first because there should be no dilemma in that matter when the project is done.
I will take a justified rate as per sir's suggestion and don't want to make any negotiations on this after the project." He replied after a pause "Oh, we don't know how you freelancers deal with these projects but will surely talk about a justified payment when we meet next time for collecting requirement" I was happy because "The Turn" stage is succesfull and now comes the part which is same as of magaician's "The Prestige" and here I have to return with victory i.e, with a running software that can meet his needs as well as overcome his expectations." Now am on the work of making my Prestige part a success by coding the whole program...hope it will be a grand return :-)

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