Sunday 9 December 2012

dreaming a new phase of life in 3012....

                                  Did you ever think how will be the life style after 1000years?  I always was so enthusiastic in dreaming how the life will change in 3012. Anyways, we wont be alive in that period but wanted to have a glimpse on the way of living.

                                   Ofcourse, we believe that we are lucky in living this 21st century rather than that old 90's where our grandfathers lived...ok..will rewind a longgggg....we are so lucky compared to our early man life style.  Just think, how it will be for our future predecessors in 3012??...For them, we are their early men. But there's a 50-50 chance of them comparing our life style with their's as worse or best. Because as we all are polluting each and every natural resource and exploiting the same, there's nothing left for the future in 3012 to enjoy...even Oxygen !!(indirectly implying the Deforestation Vandalism part of Human beings).

                                   One thing I can guarantee is the Technology part. Yeah, each day technology idea are bursting out in such a manner that after 5 years a man have to tap his desk to use the same as a full powered PC. Then, how luxurious and fantastic it will be  after 100 years...after 200 years...after 1000years.

In 3012, probably man have to think or wish or wave a stick(technically remote) like harrypoter and the desired stuff/action is executed in a millisecond. For all these,man have to give a cost and ofcourse in 3012 it would be not coins/money..rather it would be some Oxygen in a compressed tube or extra life span in a transistor kind of stuff. Survival of the in that world..only he/she would survive who has got more oxygen tubes or a stuff that increase life span. So, for a super computer enabled Goggles, he/she needs to give 1000Litres of Oxygen or 50 years of added life span to the dealer. All these weird ideas will come true because it's clearly depicted in this modern world that..even in 21st is wishing to have a stuff for immortality. So why don't he/she will be willing to control his death/life span using a technology driven stuff.

Oxygen Tubes as Currency The Future??

                                    I started of saying, there's a chance of our life being worser compared to the life style of 3012. But now, when we thought deeper according to our relevant actions towards the humanity, Bio-diversity and's so crystal clear the ruining world/ spooling life style... our Life span is more good compared to those difficulties which should be faced in 3012. Even there's a technology burst out, the cost for it will be some thing weird which will try to make his/her life survivable in that world. Now it's money which bring's corruption, bribe, murders etc. So there's something waiting which is more worser than money. Ooopss!!!


   Civilization will grew in such a way that Man has to cover all his body parts and beware of rape threat from 3012 women*. So what will women wear??...Haha..don't think too much of the dress..because they are not gonna wear at all..yeah!!..ofcourse..then what you are gonna expect..just see around..dress lengths are shortening in an exponential rate for girls and the courage of them are increasing in an infinite rate. Don't get any ideas of molesting them or abusing them...because in 3012, if you give a dare for it then it will end up in your murder. Weird but True which is gonna face by our 1000th generation.

                                  What about transportation?? have to go to your friend's home (which is probably a robot by that time) 4000miles away from your home. we introduce the brand new transportation where you dont have to need spend even 1 minute to travel from America to Canada..that is TelePortation!!! Quantum teleportation concept is a flaming topic in the brains of 2012 scientists which is yielding some expected results till now.  It is a way of traversing the physical object from one place to another place without mattering the physical distance between them.


      Started to type with dreaming a life in 3012 by standing in 2012. Ended up with an awareness of Sustainable Development where each men respects each other as well to other natural resources without any exploitation. Seems only Transportation part is more thrilling one than nowadays. ;-).